Studio – In-person Coaching

Empower coaching programs are dedicated to optimizing your health.
It’s not just a workout, it’s a lifestyle change.

Ready to tackle your goals head-on? Get maximum results by learning to fuel your body with proper nutrition, exercise efficiently and a program that meets your needs. All training sessions are 55 minutes long and are focused on what YOUR bodies needs. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced lifter, in-person training can help you master your mechanics and build confidence in your movement patterns. Get safe and effective coaching while also boosting your confidence and improving your health.

What You Get

My Commitment to You:

  1. Assess and determine together realistic health and fitness goals and put them on a timeline for achievement.
  2. Design a complete program to achieve your goals that include:
    1. Nutrition and supplementation – to fuel your body with the energy required and maintain a muscle-building fat-burning state.
    2. Resistance training – to increase your strength and build lean muscle.
    3. Cardiovascular exercise – to optimize fat burning and heart health
    4. Flexibility & Mobility – to accelerate your recovery from exercise and prevent injury so that you can move freely.
    5. Coaching – to motivate, support, and encourage you when required
  3. Teach you all the components of your program and help you implement them into your daily habits and life without overwhelming you or depriving you.
  4. Meet with you every week to assess your progress, and update your program accordingly so you continue to achieve the best possible results from your investment with us.
  5. Help you tap into the healthcare continuum teams of Naturopaths, Chiropractors, Massage Therapists, and Physical Therapists to help you look and feel your best!


    Trainerize Fitness App: All your programing, habit tracking, nutrition coaching, progress, and community all in one place. This also allows coaching outside of sessions to keep you on track and give you feedback on workouts, and nutrition.

    Educational Handouts: depending on your needs and knowledge I have many tools to help you navigate nutrition and truly understand how to fuel your body.

    How it Works

    1. Choose your time commitment, 3, 6, or 12 months.
    2. Choose your weekly training frequency.
    3. Schedule your weekly sessions.
    4. Get set up in App and get to work!

    We offer 3 month, 6 month and 12 month coaching programs.